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Tunnel Time - some whimsey

I had an opportunity to mess around with some of the Dwarven Forge Dungeon Tiles today, along with my son we told some quick underdark tales and got a feel for the tiles and what they might be able to be used for.

looking thru the 'cave' entrance ...

with flash

without flash

a fantasy sci-fi mash-up using minis

the wizard was one of my few contest entrants that came in 2nd

more 'in action' shots of the heroes in the underdark

a third game was simpler, yet involved more possible surprises and hidden objects

the tiles sit well on their own and did not actually need the little 'butterfly' clips to hold them together

lots of scatter makes for visual and action usable spaces

again with the flash on

Looks like we will get a chance to explore them more next weekend as well.

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