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My WWE 13 Universe

I am a huge fan of the WWE games, and I believe WWE 13 has been the best one I have played in a long time. I am hugely addicted to the Universe mode, which if you don't know is an ever-evolving career mode in which you are in control of everything. I started playing the day it came out, but I am just now getting to my first Wrestlemania. I plan on updating this post as I continue to play the game, but for now I am going to give you the major background stories I have been making. I use a few rules for myself when I play. When it comes to multiple versions of the same wrestler, I split them up on different shows and treat them as different characters. Also backgrounds for the wrestlers depend on what time period that character is from. For example Eddie Guerrero is set in the attitude era so he hadn’t won a world title. Helmsley or triple H 99 was also set in a time before he won the title. While current Triple H is a 13 (14 now) time champ in my game.

The universe is overseen by Fear Gamble, the owner of the company who bought the WWE from Vince roughly 2 years ago and starting after the last Wrestlemania has made some major changes (with more to come). Nothing really storyline here, just a way for my imagination to allow me to make new shows, or matches.

Monday night Raw
WWE Champ: The Rock (using the Brahma bull title)
IC Champ: Logan Phoenix (only 1 of 2 original wrestlers I use in the game)
Tag Titles: The Shield (Reigns and Ambrose)
Diva’s: AJ Lee

Raw is War (mostly attitude era wrestlers)
Attitude Champ: Steve Austin (smoking skull)
IC Champ: Chris Jericho 99’
Tag Titles: Vader and Mark Henry 99’
European: British Bulldog (he has been out with an injury he suffered during a match with X-Pac)

WHC: Kofi Kingston
US Champ: Ryback
Tag Titles: Team Groovy (Godfather and Brodus Clay; Dude Love is also in this stable)
Diva’s: AJ Lee

Battle Ground Pro Wrestling (BGPW) (This has a feel of the 90’s ECW)
BGPW Champ: Eddie Guerrero
BGPW TV Champ: John Cena 04
BGPW Tag Titles: Team Anarchy (Raven and Joker; the other original character I use. A Wrestler with the look of Heath Ledger’s joker, with the goal of watching the BGPW burn)

PPV’s are split between Raw/Smackdown and RAW is WAR/BGPW, for the most part both PPVs follow the same format. I just finished the Elimination chamber PPV for Raw/Smackdown, which was the 2nd of the month. The biggest storylines covering all the brands is that recently GM Gamble set up 2 King of the Ring tournaments, a “First Timers” and a “Veterans” with the winners getting a shot at whatever Title they would like at the Extreme Rules PPV. The winner of the first time tournament was Wade Barrett who defeated Billy Gunn to win it. The Former Champs tournament hasn’t started yet. The rules set up for each tournament are that no current champ of any kind can be in either tournament, and that only one person from a team/stable can enter. The last rule has cause some tension on the attitude brand, which I will get into in a moment. The Tournament for former champs will start after Wrestlemania. 

Also after Wrestlemania, after months of rumors about an all Legends brand, GM Gamble has announced that it won’t be a legends brand debuting, but in fact a WCW Nitro Revival! Not many details are known at the moment, but expect more as Wrestlemania gets closer.

Monday Night Raw storylines

The biggest shock of the last year has been the debut of Logan Phoenix.  After attacking Zach Ryder the night after Wrestlemania, Phoenix has made it his goal of exposing all the over-rated superstars of the WWE. After a few months, he gained the managerial services (and other possible services) of Trish Stratus. After several feuds with Ryder, Jericho, Orton, and Cena, Phoenix was able to overcome the monster that is Ryback to win the IC title, in no small help from Trish. After winning the IC title, 2 weeks later Phoenix would lose a non-title match to Edge, and then again with Trish, he would lose a mix tag match at TLC against Edge and Lita. Driven to the point of near insanity, Phoenix challenged Edge to an Extreme Rules match at the Royal Rumble. After a brutal bloody match Phoenix was able to gain the pin fall victory.

The month leading up to his defense against the Miz at Elimination Chamber PPV, Phoenix made several comments that he would shock the world. Most people thought after the brutal nature in which Phoenix retained the title was what he was referring to; however the shock came later in the night. As the Undertaker was on his way to defeating The Rock for the WWE title, Phoenix appeared out of nowhere to deliver his Nervous Fear (payday) finisher costing the Undertaker the title, stating that the Undertaker was the most over-rater superstar of them all, and at Wrestlemanina he will end the streak.

After defeating CM Punk at Over the edge, John Cena held the title until the September PPV where he dropped it to the beast Brock Lesnar. The next month Lesnar was able to submit Bret Hart, then at Survivor Series and TLC was able to defeat Triple H. However due to a distraction from Hayman that allowed Lesnar to F-5 Triple H, GM Gamble set up a “Last Chance” title match on Raw. No matter who won, neither Lesner nor Triple H would get another shot at each other during the champs reign. Mike Tyson was the special guest referee. After another brutal match Lesnar fell to the challenger and Triple H was the WWE champ. 

The Joy would be short lived however, at the Royal Rumble Triple H defended against Daniel Bryan and The Rock in a triple threat match. The Rock walked away from the match as champ and after defeating the Undertaker at the last PPV, his next challenger is Rumble winner John Cena.

After losing the WWE title Lesnar has demanded a match against Tyson and at the Rumble GM Gamble was able to get the match signed for Wrestlemania. Since then Ken Shamrock has had a feud with Lesnar, ending at the Elimination Chamber PPV where Lesnar was able to (barely) defeat Shamrock.

Another storyline I had featured Bret Hart showing up on Raw during the lead up to SummerSlam to challenge CM Punk for the title of the best. At summerslam Jericho was the guest referee and surprisingly called it down the middle. In the end Hart was able to reverse Punks slingshot elbow in to a small package for the win. The next month a triple threat was held between Punk, Hart, and Jericho in which the winner would get a WWE title match the next month, the man not involved in the fall would be entered into the elimination chamber match later in the evening, while the loser would have to leave Raw. During the final moments bret used a superplex to take out Jericho, however before he could pin Jericho, Punk attack from behind. Trying to execute a GTS, Hart was able to reverse the move into a school boy and gain the pin fall, thus sending Punk away from Raw.

Raw Is War

Jericho 99 was able to win the WWE attitude title from Stone Cold and the Rock in a triple threat Hell in a Cell match in May and held the title until dropping it to The Undertaker at Survivor Series. Undertaker soon began a heel run with his ministry consisting of himself and Kane and Mankind. At the Royal Rumble Stone Cold was able to take out the ministry en route to defeating Undertaker and finally regaining his title. At the Elimination Chamber PPV Austin was able to survive the Elimination match with his title intact. He now proceeds to Wrestlemania to take on the Rumble Winner CM Punk.

The biggest wild card on RAW is War is Brian Pillman. Since joining the brand he has feuded with stone cold and CM Punk, winning the majority of the matches. One has to wonder what he thinks about the Wrestlemania Main event.

The super group the Kliq consisting of HBK, Kevin Nash, Triple H 99, X-pack, and Scott Hall. This heel group has feuded with the corporation, the Hart foundation, the New Age outlaws, CM Punk, and recently Vader and Mark Henry 99. However in the last couple of months tensions have been boiling over and have pushed the group to the breaking point. 

It all started when the “first timers” tournament was being set up. Triple H, Scott Hall, and X-Pac were all eligible, however due to the rules only one man from the group was allowed to enter. Triple H volunteered to step down since he was in a feud with The Big Show, and voiced his support for X-Pac, along with HBK. Kevin Nash voted for Hall, but of course was out voted. When the group announced X-Pac would represent them in the tournament, Hall and Nash seemed very annoyed. X-Pac was eliminated in the first round by eventual winner Barrett, on the monitor watching backstage, Hall walked off shaking his head in disgust.

At the Elimination Chamber PPV, HBK was defeated in the chamber match for the WWE title, as was Hall and Nash in a Tag title match against Vader and Henry. The next Raw is War the group imploded during a discussion between Nash and HBK on who should be entered in the “Veterans” tournament, in which Nash brought up HBK’s recent loses and X-Pac losing in the first round. HBK brought up the fact that Nash wouldn’t be able to beat him in a match let alone survive a tournament. Before they came to blows the others in the group separated them. 

On his way to the ring to his match HBK was attack from behind buy Nash, who ended up power bombing HBK on the concrete floor. The next week on Raw is War Hall and Nash approached X-Pac in the backstage hallway and asked where his allegiance was. X-Pac responded that even though Hall has said some negative things about him, he wanted everyone back on the same page. X-Pac brought up how over the last year they have dominated the WWE, they still can. Nash said that sounded like a good idea, but he had a better one. With that Hall attacked X-Pac ending with Nash power bombing X-Pac on the concrete.

Later in the show, after HBK and Triple H were informed of what happened they grabbed steel chairs and went to the ring and demanded Hall and Nash come out. Hall and Nash did but before they could make it to the ring GM Gamble showed up on the titantron and inform them that under no certain terms were they to enter the ring. Gamble continued, “For the last year, the 5 of you have done everything you could to cause chaos on Raw, and now you want to start fighting each? Here’s the deal, at Wrestlemania you are going to have a 6-man tag team match. Next week I will let you know what the stipulation will be. Also next week Hall and Nash you will revel who your third man will be. Until Wrestlemania if any member of either team attach the other team, you will be fired!” With two weeks till Wrestlemania the biggest question is who is the third man? It seems like Hall and Nash have had that question asked before…

CM Punk showed up on Raw is War as a fan favorite and made a huge impact challenging then Champion Jericho that night for the title. With a GTS it looked like Punk was going to end Jericho’s long title reign, however Punk turned around to a super kick from HBK. At Survivor Series Punk and HBK had a great match that was evenly contested until Nash distracted the referee allowing X-Pac to hit Punk with the X-factor allowing HBK to cover him for the win. After 2 months of matches with members of the Kliq, Punk was finally awarded a rematch with HBK at the Royal Rumble. In a 2 out of 3 match that went into 3 rounds, Punk was finally able to win after he caught HBK coming off the top rope and turned it into a GTS.

Later that night Punk was able to win the royal rumble securing his title shot at Wrestlemania. Brian Pillman, who had several victories over current champ Stone Cold took exception with this and attacked Punk for over a month leading to a hardcore match at the Elimination Chamber. In a very brutal match Punk was able to beat Pillman.

The next night on Raw is War, Punk made the statement that nothing was going to stop him from winning the title. Later that night after Punk defeated X-Pac in a match stone cold entered the ring for a stare down that ended with a stone cold stunner!

Chris Jericho has been on a roll as well. after an 6 month run with the Attitude championship until losing it to Undertaker. After not winning his rematch and angry Jericho challenged IC Champ Eddie Guerrero to a ladder match at the royal rumble. In a bloody brutal match Eddie looked like he was about to climb the ladder a reclaim his title, however Jericho was able to grab him from behind and hit the breakdown slamming Eddie’s head into a ladder wedged into the corner. After that he was able to climb the ladder in the middle of the ring and able to grab the title. A few weeks later after a run in with the Rock, Jericho attacked him and threw the rock threw him through a window backstage. The Rock is expected to return this week, will he challenge Jericho to a match at Wrestlemania?


The WHC has had a crazy ride over the last year. After Edge won the title from Sheamus , he carried the belt up until SummerSlam where he dropped the title to Christian in a ladder match. Christian then had a great run with the title until fan favorite Kofi Kingston finally got a shot at the title at survivor series. In a hard fought match, Christian frustrated that he couldn’t keep Kofi down pulled out the brass knuckles, but in a amazing move, Kofi was able to hit the Trouble in Paradise kick which also knock Christian’s brass knuckles into his own face. Kofi was able to get the pin! The next night on a special episode of Raw Kofi defeated alberto del rio in a match. After it was over Christian attacked Kofi from behind and escaped through the crowd, at which point Money in the Bank winner Dolf Ziggler came out and cashed in on Kofi becoming the WHC!

Ziggler formed a group with AJ lee and Big E Langston and also defeated Christian and Kofi in a triple threat ladder match at TLC. The royal rumble was a major event for the trio as AJ Lee defeated Lita and Trish in a triple threat match to win the Diva’s title, Big E Langston defeated Dude Love for the US title, and Dolf was able to pin Bret Hart. During the month of January Kofi was able to win a match over Big show that allowed him a future title show. At the elimination Chamber PPV Dolf was able to survive the match with the title after putting away Hart, only to have Kofi cash in his title match and win the title!

The brand was started late april and on the first night the fans expect RVD to be named champ, however during the opening segment Hunter Hearst Helmsley came out to a chorus of boos. Hunter said that the idiots in the crowd should show some respect to a real wrestler, not one of these hardcore screw ups like RVD. GM Gamble decided that in the main event of the first show the vacant title would be awarded to the winner of the RVD/Helmsley match. During the final moments of the match RVD would place a chair over the chest of Helmsley and head to the top rope to hit his signature 5 star frog splash. After RVD would leap Helmsley was able to throw the chair into RVD’s face and move out of the way as RVD crashed to the mat and into the chair as well. after a pedigree it was all over and Helmsley was the first ever BGPW champ.

He had the best run out of any of the champs of the last year defeating such stars as Cactus Jack, Taz, RVD, Austin Aries, and lastly he was able defeat the debuting Kurt Angle in a match everyone thought Angle would take the title. The biggest shocker during the match was Scott Steiner attacking Angle while Angle had Helmsley in the ankle lock submission, allowing Helmsley to hit a pedigree and pin Angle. After the even Helmsley and Steiner were joined by Austin Aries and Bobby Rhode and formed a new version of the 4 horseman, claiming that unlike the other ones in history, this group had talent.

Fans did however get some satisfaction at the Elimination PPV where Scott Steiner was unable to defeat John Cena 04 for the TV title. Then in the main event Elimination Chamber for the BGPW title Helmsley had to defend the title against Angle, RVD, Cactus Jack, Taz, and a mystery opponent who wouldn’t be known until he showed up at the final entrance. When it was down to Angle and Helmsley the final buzzer went off with smoke billowing up in the empty pod. Angle and Helmsley were shocked to see Eddie Guerrero emerge from the Pod! After a furry of offensive moves Angle was able to counter Guerrero with an Angle slam however that was all the time Helmsley needed to hit Angle with a spine buster on the chamber’s steel floor gaining the pinfall. Helmsley then turned his attention to Eddie and started to beat down the newest member of BGPW until he missed a clothesline that opened up Eddie to hit several offensive maneuvers leading up to the 3 amigos! After that Eddie quickly climbed the top rope as the fans in the arena rose to their feet and cheered as he leaped across the ring and hit his frog splash on Helmsley. The fans erupted in cheers as the referee’s hand hit the mat for the first time awarding Eddie his first world title, while ending Helmsley’s 10 month reign, and also ending his undefeated streak! Both Steiner and Helmsley have demanded rematches at Wrestlemania, while Austin Aries and Rhode are in line for a title shot. Will Wrestlemania be the night the 4 horseman prove they are worthy of the name?

Ok Everyone, here is where I start the week by week updates:

Monday Night Raw:

The show opens up with GM Gamble on the titontron to give a major announcement that was talked about all weekend. "Due to the amount of time that is spent dealing with setting up the PPVs, esp the 2 Wrestlemania PPV's starting in 2 weeks, the time I using to set up WCW Nitro, and the general amount of time it takes to run this monster of a company WWE, I have came to a decision to help the four brands run smoothly. Starting tonight, each brand will have their own commissioner. These commissioner's will answer directly to me, but I will allow them a high level of control over their brands. These 4 commissioners will have a month to impress me, or they will be relieved of their duty. I have chosen to allow Vince, Stephanie, and Shane control over Raw is War, Smackdown, and BGPW respectively, as I believe since they all own sizable shares of the company, they will act in the brands best interest. Without further ado,  Let me introduce Raw's commissioner; John Laurinatis!"

As Mr. laurinatis makes his way to the ring the fans are in shock. Mr. Laurinatis gets the microphone and says, "thank you Mr. Gamble, to you and the fans I promise to make Raw the best it has ever been. To prove that, tonight in this ring I have worked out a deal to bring the new WHC Kofi Kingston here to go one on one with the Still WWE champ the Rock! And during the match John Cena will be at ring side to decide which champ he will be taking on at Wrestlemania."

while the fans begin to cheer, all of a sudden Daniel Bryan's music starts and out comes the man who almost beat Cena at Elimination Chamber for the #1 contender ship inside the elimination chamber match. Fans are on their feet chanting "YES" as Bryan gets the microphone. "Last night I proved I deserved the respect of everyone by almost making Cena TAP OUT!" Cheers from the crowd. "I want a match tonight against Cena, one on one!" YES, YES, YES chants from the crowd and from Bryan. Laurinatis responds with, "NO!" the fans boo. "tonight is my first night as commissioner, so you have to prove to me that you deserve to be in the ring here on Raw. So tonight i have the perfect test for you. Someone who wants a title shot just as bad as you do!" John walks out of the ring as his music plays. Bryan leads the fans in more "NO" chants

Match 1: The Shield vs Primo and Epico.
this match was surprisingly competitive. in the end a distraction by Ambrose allow Reigns to hit the spear for the win.

Backstage interview with interviewer Brad Maddox and Chris Jericho.
Maddox: "Jericho, after you pinned Mark Henry last night during the chamber match, is you issue settled with him?"
Jericho: "Listen up jr, after the last few weeks of dealing with that over grown teddy bear, I will never EEEVVV-" just then Henry attacks Jericho from behind. Henry picks up Jericho and slams him into the monitor before delivering a WSS on the concrete. Henry leaves Jericho out cold and says, "That's what I do!"

Match 2: Logan Phoenix (with Trish) vs Zach Ryder.
quick squash match. Ryder gets hit with the nervous fear in under a minute. afterward Phoenix grabs a mic and says, "Last night I shocked the world. It shouldn't have been a surprise, a year ago when I first walked down to this ring and beat the crap out of that over rated IWC favorite Ryder, I told you I would expose all of the over rated superstars of this company. At Hell in a Cell when I won this IC title I said I was going to restore it's glory. Well I can't do that if the best I get is the Miz, who hasn't done anything worth a damn in 2 years. So at Wrestlemania I'm challenging you Undertaker to match that will be my IC title vs your streak. It's over dead man. your time has come and gone. I am the new gate keeper of the WWE. At Wrestlemania I'm ending your streak, and your career."

Match 3: AJ Lee vs Lita
Double count out. great Diva's match, but Lita's suicide dive took both ladies out.

Jerry Lawler, "we've just got word the Undertaker is here! I'm sure after Phoenix cost him the title last night and with what he has said tonight, Taker is going to have a lot to say!" The camera cuts back to the back and Undertaker is on a warpath, pushing down trash cans. Just then Trish walks out of the locker room right into Taker's path, she screams and tries to run but Taker grabs her hair and screams, "Where is he?" Just then Phoenix hits Taker over the head with a wrench dropping Taker to the ground. "here I am dead man" laughs Phoenix. Phoenix then proceeds to beat on Taker, until he throws him through an office window. Trish looks on happily as its been a set up all along. Phoenix and Trish walk away as Phoenix yells out, "it's over Taker, after Wrestlemania you will really be a dead man!"

Match 4: Daniel Bryan vs ???
Daniel Bryan is in the ring with Mr. Laurinatis walks out and introduces his opponent; Triple H! After a back and fourth match, Triple H hits a face buster and signals to the camera and fans he wants his belt back to which the fans cheer. He then sets up Bryan for the pedigree, however Bryan twist out of it, throws his right let over Triple H's left arm send Triple H to the mat and locking in the YES Lock. After trying to make it to the ropes, Triple H taps out! while Bryan is on the corner doing the YES chants with the fans, the camera cuts to Triple H who has a look of scorn as he slides out of the ring.
John Cena makes his way out to commentary for the main event of the evening to his normal mixture of cheers and boos.

Match 5: The Rock (WWE Champ) vs Kofi Kingston (WHC)
This was a very competitive match. In the end as the Rock went for the People's Elbow, after hitting the ropes he was hit with the Trouble in Paradise allowing Kofi the surprise win! After the match Kofi turned around into a Rock Bottom. However as the Rock got up he turned around into an Attitude Adjustment  from Cena, who then ended the show holding the WWE Championship over his head.

Raw IS War:
As the show comes on the air, J.R, comments, "Here we go King and we are told that the new RIW commissioner is going to kick off the show" NO CHANCE IN HELL starts playing and the fans are on their feet! Vince McMahon does his normal strut to the ring and Grabs the Microphone, "I bet you all are surprised to see me! Things have been out of hand and I have been...hired...to take control of Raw is War.  So my first act as commissioner is to show the attitude superstars who is in charge. Take the Kliq, or whatever is left of it, tonight not only will Hall and Nash tell the world who will be teaming with them in 2 weeks at Wrestlemania, but HBK will also be in action tonight. Which brings to his opponent for the night, CM Punk! the thought that at Wrestlemania I am in charge of a match between the trailer trash Steve Austin and CM Punk for the Attitude Title makes me sick!" The fans begin to boo heavily at that comment. With that out comes Steve Austin who aggressively bumps into McMahon as he walks to the different corners. Austin Grabs a mic, goes to speak, but instead kicks McMahon in the stomach and hits the Stone Cold Stunner! As McMahon lays on the mat Austin grabs the mic and yells, "Oh hell yeah!" to which the fans erupt!

Match 1: Christian vs The Rock
This match went to a no contest as the Rock was about to hit the Rock Bottom on Christian, however Jericho ran out and attacked Rock and then Christian. Afterwards Jericho grabs a mic and says at Wrestlemania, he will prove the Rock and the world wrong when he pins the rock in the middle of the ring.

Match 2: Undertaker (with Mankind) vs Big Bossman
After a chokeslam and a tombstone this match is over. as the Undertaker and Mankind prepare to leave, Kane appears on stage and challenges Taker to a inferno match at WrestleMania. The Undertaker agrees to which Kane slams his hands down which causes the 4 corner post to shoot fire out, which causes a look of shock on Takers face. But Mankind still looks like he wants the ministry to stay a family, what role will he play?

Next Hall and Nash came out to the ring to no music. Nash grabbed the mic, "You know, up until tonight we came out to the Kliqs music, called ourselves friends with those d-bags, and hell we even helped then win every match. Look, HBK and Triple H told us not to come out in there last matches, and guess what they couldn't win." Hall grabs the mic, "Hey Yo, so everyone wants to know who our third guy is, who are we going to have in our corner when we take on, well don't worry, you're all going to find out. See the good guys here don't like to tell, we like to show...later"

Match 4: Edge vs Brian Pillman
This match ended with Pillman and Edge getting counted out after a wild brawl. Pillman seemed to snap and didn't care about the match, while Edge was fighting with all the pent up frustration he has felt in the last few weeks.

CM Punk backstage interviewed on what tonight's main event means for Wrestlemania. "Tonight I'm going to prove that I am what I have said I was since I came to this brand, and that's the best in the world. I'm going to prove it to HBK, again, and I'm going to prove it to that beer drinking redneck Steve Austin. Last week Austin got a cheap shot in, well news flash Austin, I am a real man, I don't need cheap shots, and at Wrestlemania, when I put you to sleep, you will know that I am the best in the world. And I really hope Vince doesn't try and stick his nose in this match, I would hate to drop him as well...well maybe hate is a strong word."

Match 5: Mark Henry vs Road Dogg
Mark Henry picks up the win after a monstrous belly to belly suplex. on the outside billy was brawling with Vader.

McMahon comes out and declares at next week on Raw is War the NAO will take on APA in a no DQ match with the winner getting a tag team championship at Wrestlemania. He also states that Austin should think really hard if he wants another war with him...

Match 6: HBK vs CM Punk
a very back and forth match. At one point the Hall and Nash's music played however they never came out, which distracted HBK. at the end HBK tried to hit an elbow drop off the top, however Punk was able to grab him mid air and landed a GTS. As Punk is celebrating Stone colds music hits and the rattlesnake charges the ring, after another wild brawl Punk lands a big kick to the head dropping stone cold. Punk the give Stone Cold the finger and heads back up the ramp. As Austin gets up, so does HBK, who Austin drops with a stunner. As Austin makes he way up the ramp, vince comes out and gives him a slight smile before walking backstage. Just them as HBK is still laying in the ring Hulk Hogan jumps over the fan rail and lands a big leg drop on HBK. Hall and Nash come down to the ring with a can of spray paint and spray paint NWO over HBK's back. Camera's cut to the back to show DX's dressing room blocked by a forklift. Hogan hits 2 more leg drops for Hall and Nash on HBK since they can't make contact. He grabs the mic and says, "When you mess with one of us, you mess with all of us, and when you're NWO, you're NWO 4 life!"


The Show opens to Stephanie McMahon standing in the ring. "I have been given a chance to run Smackdown as the commissioner from GM Gamble, and I plan on making the most of it. With growing up in the business, having my genius of a father, and the time spent over the last few months on Raw is War accompanying Triple H to the ring, I have learned enough to make this the best show of the week!" Fans are starting too boo, as Stephanie says to give her time to prove it."

Match 1: Dude Love Vs JBL
JBL grabs the mic and says he is tired of Team Groovy, and their pathetic crap. He going to make an example out of Dude Love tonight, and at WrestleMania, Money Inc will win the Tag Team Titles.  A quick match, that is very hard hitting. Dude Love misses an elbow from the middle rope that allows JBL enough time to hit a thunderous clothesline from hell to end the match.

Match 2: Randy Orton vs Wade Barrett
After a back and fourth match, Barrett was able to reverse a clothesline into a Wasteland finisher

Backstage Dolf Ziggler rushes into Stephanie's office and demands a rematch at WrestleMania. Stephanie says the shot is his, as long as he can beat ADR!

Match 3: Booker T vs Kofi Kingston
Booker T almost won the match several times, but the WHC continued his rolled with a well timed S.O.S

Match 4: Dolph Ziggler (with AJ and Big E) vs ADR (with Ricardo)
ADR had Ziggler in the cross arm bar however while Big E got on the apron to distract the ref, AJ scratched ADR's eyes causing him to let go of the hold. Ziggler then was able to hit a super kick and go for the pin, however this time Ricardo distracted the ref. When dolph went to argue a fight broke out between Big E and Ricardo, ADR was able to hit a backstabber on Ziggler. By the time the ref turned around and started the count, Ziggler was able to kick out a 2.75! After a few mins of offense, ADR missed a kick, leading Ziggler able to hit the Zig-Zag for the win!

Match 5: US title match between Ryback (C) vs Sheamus
a brutal match of strength, it ends in count out as Sheamus sends Ryback through the barricade. Sheamus made it back in the ring at a 9 count, while Ryback was still not moving on the ground. Smack down ends with Ryback being checked on by medical staff members.


The show opens with the 4 horseman in the Ring. Hunter has the mic, "I don't care about who is the new commissioner  is, all I care about is the Horseman get what is due to them. I was this company's first and only champ for almost a year until I was screwed out of the title. I have beaten every one in this damn company and at WrestleMania, I will beat that peasant Eddie Guerrero." Steiner grabs the mic, "damn straight, and Big Poppa Pump is gonna break the little punk John Cena's back. That TV title is as good as mine boy, Holla!".  AA grabs the mic, "let it be know that Bobby and I will be the next tag champs", to which Bobby adds, "so go ahead and put your money on us, because after WrestleMania, the horseman are going to ride again!" Just as all four main raise their hand in the classic 4 horseman signal, out comes Shane McMahon! At the top of the ramp he begins to speak, "you know, my first night as commissioner is going to be bigger than any thing this week! My first act is to make the the World and TV title match at Wrestlemania official." AA grabs the mic, "what about us, we want our shot!" Shane continues, " oh you will get your shot, but you have to earn it. in fact I have only seen you two wrestle as a team once, so here is the deal, if you can win your matches this week and next week you have your shot. If you lose, the team that beat you will get the shot. oh and Hunter and Scott, you boys get matches tonight as well, Hunter vs Cena, and Scott vs Abyss!" "Also tonight, BGPW champ Eddie will be defending the title against the wrestling machine Kurt Angle!"

Match 1: Steiner vs Abyss
brutal match ends with a low blow and a Steiner recliner. Steiner gets the win

Match 2: ICP vs 3D
This match never started as all four members starting brawling on the ramp and backstage, and never made it to the ring.

Match 3: AA and Rhode vs AJ Styles and Samoa Joe
After starting the match off dominating AA, AJ was taken down by Rhode, and worked over during the majority of the match. Toward the end of the match Joe got the tag and went to work. after a few minutes he was able to hit the muscle buster on AA but turned around into a super kick from Rhode who was the legal man and was able to get the pin on Joe.

Match 4: John Cena vs Hunter
After reversing a pedigree attempt into a F-U, Cena locked Hunter in the STFU, however he was able to get to the ropes. Cena went for the F-U again which Hunter slide out of and pushed Cena into the ref knocking the ref out. Hunter went for a clothes line that Cena side stepped sending Hunter out of the ring. While he was out Steiner ran out and distracted Cena, which allowed Hunter to grab the TV title and smash it into the back on Cena, then proceeded to hit the pedigree on top of the belt. The ref recovered and counted the pin fall for Hunter.

Match 5: Team anarchy vs the Hardy's for the Tag Team title
in a rematch for Elimination Chamber, the Hardy's were able to change the outcome this time. As Raven went for the evenflow DDT on Jeff, Matt was able to drop kick from the top on Raven which allowed Jeff to flip over and get the pin and the tag team titles!

Shane was seen backstage and made the promise that at Wrestlemania, the horseman will not be able to pull that kind of crap. In fact next week, Cena will get another shot at Hunter in a cage match!

Out next was Eddie Guerrero to a huge pop from the crowd. "It seems like this crowd has got some Latino heat! When I got the call to be in that match I didn't even think about it! And here I am, after years of hard work, and well a little lies, a dash of cheating, and a stolen thing or two, I am the champ baby!" Out comes Angle to another huge pop!

Match 6: BGPW title match, Eddie Guerrero vs Kurt Angle
5 star match.  A lot of solid wrestling with plenty of big time moves and reversals. the end came when Angle had Eddie in the ankle lock for about a min before Eddie was able to kick him off sending Angle into the corner. As Angle laid chest first in the corner Eddie was able to hit a drop kick to Angle's back, which after the impact Angle took several steps back before falling flat on his back in the middle of the ring. Eddie was moving toward the ropes and noticeably limping, before getting on the top rope and signaling for the frog splash. However right as he jumped, Hunter came in out of nowhere and threw a chair, hitting Eddie mid flight causing a no contest. As Eddie crashed to the ground Hunter began beating him with the chair over and over, before dropping down and hitting several punches on Eddies head busting him open. Angle tried to help Eddie, but as soon as he grabbed Hunter the other horseman were in the ring and they beat him down as well, at one point the Rhode was holding him as Steiner and AA took turns punching him. Cameras cut to the back and we see Shane laid out on the ground. In the ring Hunter is holding up Eddie's belt while the other horseman are holding up the 4 horseman signal as the show goes off the air.

*Update Everyone*
Since it is WrestleMania and not just a normal PPV, I have decided that instead of doing 2 Wrestlemanias, (one for Monday Night Raw and Smackdow, and one for Raw is War and BGPW) I am going to have one huge WrestleMania. Of course for gameplay sake I will be playing some of the matches outside of the Universe mode, but on here I will post it as one big PPV.

Monday Night Raw:

First shot of MNR is Mr. laurinatis in the ring. "On my first night as commissioner I witnessed one man show more courage than any man I have ever seen, and one man take the easy way out. The man that took the easy way out is John Cena. Cena could have done what I instructed him to do and that was to announce who he planned on facing at WrestleMania, not attacking the Rock. The Rock could have suffered an injury and put the main event in jeopardy. I have decided that to teach Cena his place, I have made Cena Vs Mark Henry with The Rock as the guest referee tonight."

"However the brave man I was talking about was of course Logan Phoenix!" The crowd boo's with this. "For a man to stand face to face with the Undertaker and to beat him down, that is a man of honor!" Jerry lawler comments, "What was he watching?" Mr  laurinatis continues, " I have decided to grant Mr Phoenix's request of an IC title match with The Undertaker at WrestleMania, and tonight, Mr Phoenix will be allowed to select his choice of match type.

Just then Triple H's music hits and the crowd erupts. He gets in the ring and grabs a mic, "I don't care about Phoenix, or Cena or the Rock, last week you put me in a match with Daniel Bryan, and this week I want a rematch." The fans begin to cheer at the thought of the rematch. This brings Bryan out to the ring with the fans chanting YES! Before anything else can be said, laurinatis stops them and declares that at WrestleMania they will have their rematch, but first, they will team up tonight against the tag team champs, the Shield!

Match 1: Zach Ryder vs Primo
This match doesn't happen due to Brock Lesnar coming down right after the bell rang and destroying both men. Paul Heyman grabs the mic and says that Mike Tyson should do whatever he can to get out of this match, if not, in 2 weeks he will not be on this Earth anymore! Lesnar Grabs the Mic and says,"all I've ever heard was Tyson was the baddest man on the planet. Well that was before I came along! I've proven I am the baddest man  in the WWE, UFC, everywhere I go I prove it! They said Shamrock was the worlds most dangerous man, well I put him down! In 2 weeks I am going to destroy Mike Tyson like he was as week as that wuss right there (points to Ryder limping up the ramp)." With that Tyson walks out on the ramp and says he is stronger, faster, and more focused than ever. He says that he is in the same shape and mind frame he was in the his first run, and just to prove it, here is a little taste, and knocks Ryder out as he walks by with one punch. Just then Shamrock appears behind Lesnar and slams him down with a belly to belly before decking Heyman. Lesnar gets up and and the 2 get into a brutal brawl, needing several refs to break them up. As soon as the two all pulled apart Tyson then runs down and attacks Lesnar, laying him out with a two punch combo, leaving Heyman with his mouth open in shock! Tyson then turns around to Shamrock who hurricanranna him and applies the ankle lock, which has Tyson tapping out!

Match 2: Dolph Ziggler (with AJ) vs Logan Phoenix (with Trish) vs Edge (with Lita) for the IC title
This match was a classic 3 way match. great showing by all men, a lot of women interference that turned into a 3-way cat fight on the outside. Then end came when Ziggler hit Phoenix with a super kick, but Edge used a roll up on Ziggler getting a close 2 count. Ziggler got up only to receive a spear from edge. Edge went for the pin, but out of nowhere Phoenix came in and hit Edge with a drop kick to the face right at the 2 count. Edge rolled out of the ring with what looked like a broken nose or at least a gash on the forehead, and Phoenix was able to get the pin.

After the Match, Phoenix grabbed the mic, "Once again, I have proven the IC title is the must have title in the WWE, and I have also proven I am the most under rated superstar in the WWE. All of that changes at WrestleMania when I defeat the Undertaker! Dead Man you don't have a chance! Maybe 10 years ago when you were what everyone thought you were, but now, your just old and living off nostalgia. I've thought about it, I could make our match a Hell in a cell, or extreme rules match, Hell I could make it an inferno match, (the crowd pops at this), but none of those would do this any justice. At WrestleMania I am putting my IC title on the line, a title that you and most of this idiot fans think is beneath you, in a match that if you lose, your career is over! My title vs your career, what do you say dead man?"

The lights go and out of nowhere lighting strikes the stage! Fog starts forming on the ramp, with the Undertake standing in the middle of the fog. Phoenix holds up the IC title and says, "do you have the guts dead man, ANSWER ME!" With that in the back side of the ring the Undertake breaks through from under the ring! As he creeps up on Phoenix the lights come back on to reveal to Phoenix that it was Kane at the top of the ramp, confused he turns around to Undertaker who begins to land several hard hands! After slamming Phoenix into the corner he hits a splash followed up with a huge chokeslam. He picks up the mic, "Phoenix, the answer is YES! After WrestleMania I will have you belt, and your soul!"

Match 3: Triple H and Daniel Bryan VS the Shield

The story of this match was could Triple H and Bryan trust each other. After a very competitive match Ambrose entered the ring to attack Bryan while he had Reigns in the Yes Lock causing the DQ. As all hell broke loose, Triple H grabbed his trusty sledgehammer from under the ring. As he took out Reigns and Ambrose he stops and looks at Bryan as he is starting to stand. The look on Triple H’s face suggest he is tempted to attack Bryan while his back is turned, but before anything can happen Rollins comes off the top rope and hits the blackout on Triple H and kicks Bryan out of the ring. Ambrose and Reigns come in and hit the Triple powerbomb on Triple H.

As they go to attack Bryan, Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara rush to the ring and clear house. Rey grabs the mic and says that after the Shield injured his knee months ago, he is finally ready to return, and challenges the Shield to a Tag Title match at WrestleMania against him and Sin Cara.

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